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How to Secure Your Legacy by Updating Your Trust


Creating a trust is an essential step in securing your legacy and ensuring your assets are managed and distributed according to your wishes. However, as life evolves and circumstances change, it's crucial to review and update your trust periodically. By doing so, you can address new developments, protect your loved ones, and maintain control over your estate. 

In this guide, the experienced attorneys at Rich, Fuidge, Bordsen & Galyean will explain the importance of updating your trust, provide a comprehensive approach to safeguarding your legacy, and discuss how this process is handled in California.

Why Update Your Trust?

Life is full of changes — marriage, divorce, births, deaths, career advancements, and financial fluctuations. Each milestone can have a significant impact on your estate planning goals. Failing to update your trust can lead to unintended consequences, leaving your assets vulnerable to legal challenges or distribution against your wishes. Keeping your trust current can ensure it remains an effective tool in achieving your objectives.

When Should You Update Your Trust?

While there is no one-size-fits-all answer, certain life events should prompt a review of your trust. These may include:

1. Marital Status Changes: Marriage, divorce, or remarriage can all affect your estate plan. Updating your trust can protect your new spouse or ensure your assets are safeguarded for your children from a previous marriage.

2. Birth or Adoption: Welcoming a new child or grandchild into your family may require adjusting your trust to include them as beneficiaries.

3. Changes in Financial Circumstances: Significant changes in your financial situation, such as a windfall or substantial loss, may necessitate updates to your trust's distribution plan.

4. Relocation: Moving to another state or country can trigger variations in legal requirements, tax implications, and asset management. Review your trust to ensure it aligns with your new location's laws.

5. Health Concerns: If you or a loved one experiences health issues, updating your trust can address long-term care, medical decisions, and asset management during incapacity.

6. Beneficiary Changes: As relationships evolve, you may wish to include new beneficiaries or remove those no longer part of your life.

7. Changing Goals: Personal and financial objectives can evolve. Updating your trust allows you to reflect your current intentions in the distribution of your assets.

Updating Your Trust in California

In California, updating your trust involves creating a trust amendment or restatement. A trust amendment allows you to modify specific provisions of your existing trust. In contrast, a trust restatement entails creating a new document incorporating desired changes.

Working with experienced estate planning attorneys like Rich, Fuidge, Bordsen & Galyean must ensure your trust amendments or restatements comply with California's legal requirements. Improperly executed changes may render the trust invalid or lead to unintended consequences.

Steps to Updating Your Trust

  1. Consult with an Attorney: Seek guidance from experienced estate planning attorneys like Rich, Fuidge, Bordsen & Galyean. They will help you navigate the legal complexities and draft necessary amendments to your trust.

  2. Review Beneficiary Designations: Ensure your designated beneficiaries align with your current wishes, and make any necessary changes.

  3. Asset Inventory: Take stock of your assets and consider whether any changes in ownership or new acquisitions require updates to your trust.

  4. Address Tax Implications: Updating your trust can present opportunities to implement tax-efficient strategies for your estate.

  5. Consider Guardianship: If you have minor children, updating your trust allows you to appoint guardians who will care for them in the event of your passing.

  6. Review Your Health Care Directive: Ensure your trust is consistent with your medical care preferences and decisions.

The Benefits of Trust Updates

Updating your trust offers several significant benefits that can enhance your estate planning strategy:

1. Avoiding Probate: By updating your trust to include all your assets and beneficiaries, you can minimize the need for probate proceedings, saving time and costs for your loved ones.

2. Ensuring Privacy: Unlike probate, a public process, trusts operate privately. Keeping your trust current can protect your family's privacy and prevent sensitive information from becoming publicly accessible.

3. Flexibility: Life is constantly changing, and your trust should be flexible enough to accommodate those changes. Updating your trust allows you to adjust your distribution plan, appoint new trustees, and address any changes in circumstances that may arise.

4. Protecting Special Needs Beneficiaries: If you have a loved one with special needs, updating your trust can help ensure their financial well-being without jeopardizing their eligibility for government benefits.

5. Managing Charitable Giving: If you have charitable intentions, updating your trust allows you to include specific philanthropic organizations, foundations, or causes in your estate plan.

Professional Trust Administration

Trust administration is critical to ensuring your estate plan functions as intended. Whether you serve as the trustee or appoint someone else to manage the trust, seeking professional guidance is vital to avoid potential pitfalls.

Rich, Fuidge, Bordsen & Galyean offers expert trust administration services to assist you or your appointed trustee fulfill their responsibilities. Our experienced attorneys can guide trustees through complex legal requirements, investment decisions, and distribution strategies to ensure the trust operates seamlessly and aligns with your wishes.

Ongoing Review and Communication

As life changes, ongoing review and communication with your estate planning attorney are essential. Periodically reviewing your trust lets you stay proactive and adjust as needed, providing peace of mind for you and your loved ones.

At Rich, Fuidge, Bordsen & Galyean, we encourage regular communication with our clients to keep their estate plans current. Whether it's significant life events or shifts in financial circumstances, our team is here to provide guidance and legal expertise to protect your legacy.


Your trust is a powerful tool in securing your legacy and preserving your hard-earned assets for your loved ones. By updating your trust with the guidance of experienced attorneys like Rich, Fuidge, Bordsen & Galyean, you can adapt to life's changes and ensure your estate plan reflects your wishes.

Please don't wait until it's too late. Take the proactive step of reviewing and updating your trust today to safeguard your legacy for tomorrow with the expertise and assistance of Rich, Fuidge, Bordsen & Galyean.

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